Language Financial and Legal Solutions© (LFLS©) – founded in 1999 – provides solutions for its Clients in the view of credibility. Our solutions in the language, financial and legal fields are available in a wide range of languages, including a combination of languages from Europe and the UAE. Our business aims to ensure that the language, finance and legal areas work in a mutually supportive and complementary manner, providing services without borders.
The members of our team are not just experts of one area but they hold an outstanding and thorough knowledge and expertise in the areas of services we offer. On one hand, it makes us possible to perform large-scale tasks with a relatively short deadline, and on the other hand, it ensures premium quality for our Clients with as much flexibility as possible. At the same time, we can meet the requirements of certified translation and interpretation.
Thanks to the latest innovations, LFLS© offers its solutions both on-site and online and we also use computer-assisted translation programs for translations and accounting programs for doing accountancy.
ILLM© Language
Learning Method
The ILLM©-method ensures foreign language learning development and confident practical language usage. The development of essential skills and abilities is highlighted.
Financial and Legal
Professional translation in financial and legal areas requiring high-level professional knowledge is performed in different languages, in premium quality.
Financial and Legal
Professional Interpretation
Professional interpretation in financial and legal areas requiring high-level professional knowledge is performed in different languages both online and on-site, in premium quality.
We undertake full accountancy solutions supplemented with foreign language solutions and legal activities for enterprises with Hungarian and foreign clients or interests.
Nowadays everyone with an income is affected by taxation. We are happy to help and be at the disposal of our Clients in connection with taxation issues.
Legal Activities
Our legal activities are closely linked to professional translation and professional interpretation, and, moreover, to accountancy and taxation.
Administrative Solutions
We handle the cases and work phases related to administrative tasks in several languages.